Collective Worship at Sherrier
Collective Worship is a statutory requirement for all schools in England and Wales. However, at Sherrier C of E Primary School, Collective Worship is so much more than this. It is a time for our school community to come together, learn together, reflect together, a time for children, staff and visitors to be still, engage and if they feel called to, respond. It is the heartbeat of our school and it plays a fundamental role in shaping pupils’ character, thinking and actions.
Worship reflects the variety of traditions found in the Church of England as well as other Christian traditions, and recognises and follows the Church of England’s liturgical year. The daily act of worship is central to our ethos and is supported by all staff and governors, it is inclusive, invitational and inspiring.
Collective Worship at Sherrier strengthens and supports the distinctive Christian character of our school and reaffirms our Christian values of friendship, forgiveness, courage, thankfulness, justice,
Our Collective Worship is held daily in school with Years 1 – 6 in attendance, whilst Foundation Stage hold their own Collective Worship. Collective Worship is a time to feel part of the Sherrier community and allows all children and adults to feel welcomed, regardless of personal beliefs. Here our Collective Worship is mapped out for the year, with different class teachers allocated the delivery of Collective Worship across the school year. This ensures that all staff have the opportunity for spiritual reflection and allows children to realise that all adults have a connect to RE, not just the RE lead.
Please find here how Sherrier's Collective Worship looks like:
Our school community takes part in collective worship on a daily basis, as follows
Monday – Picture News – A Global Citizenship theme
Tuesday – Singing assembly + in class Collective Worship extending the learning from Picture News
Wednesday – Christian Values / Festival links
Thursday – iSing Pop
Friday – Celebration – recognition of Christian Values/3C’s in action