The Governing Board plays a key role in setting the school’s overall strategic direction and is a member of the Sherrier ‘family’. It helps to shape the vision, ethos, aims and objectives and adopts key policies that guide the School’s work and ensures that all legal requirements are met.
The Governing Board oversees a broad and balanced Curriculum, understanding and challenging targets for children’s attainment, monitoring progress and driving continuous improvement. It sees the School fulfils its duty to keep children safe, properly looked after and enjoy their time at Sherrier. It also recommends and monitor the School’s budget, seeking to make sure that resources are used for the particular needs of the School and for the benefit of the children.
The Governing Board is responsible for holding School Leaders to account for performance of the School and helps to respond to the needs of Parents and the Community. It acts as a ‘critical friend’ to the Headteacher and the School offering support and asking searching questions.
The Governing Body is made up of Parent Governors, Staff governors (teaching or non-teaching), Co-opted Governors from the local community and, as a Church of England School, Foundation Governors. The Governing Board meets each half-term and asks Governors to lead roles in monitoring and evaluating certain areas of the School’s performance and reporting to the full Board. When monitoring Curriculum, Governors meet with Subject leaders and sit in on lessons once per term, observing. Our Non-Curriculum monitoring of, inter alia, Finance, Health & Safety, Safeguarding and Wellbeing is a balance of questioning the School Leaders and discussing the strategic objectives.
Outside of meetings, Governors form working parties according to specific ‘project’ needs whether it be something for whole School benefit or working closely with School Leaders supporting Curriculum or Non-Curriculum topics. Governors also have duties to attend ad hoc Panels by example staff selection, performance and complaints. Governors are encouraged to attend School events to play an active part in School life.
The Governing Board encourages parents to talk to its members with feedback, positive and negative, or raise queries for feedback to both the Governing Board and the School Leaders.
For the register of business interests of headteachers and governors please click here