Teach children how to live and they will remember it all their lives (Proverbs 22:6)
Sherrier is proud to be a Church of England Primary School and we have a strong Christian foundation and ethos that is based on the way we want to educate and develop character throughout our children's journey at the school. The Bible quotation we have chosen
All key stakeholders reviewed our vision and at the very heart of What it means to be Sherrier are our 3 C's or Sherrier Cogs (see top of page)
To be part of Sherrier CE Primary means belonging to a 'massive' family. The school is both a friendly and caring community. We look after each other, our families, our local community and the children take a keen interest in looking after the environment too.
Sherrier is a vibrant, busy and exciting place to be. We are all very proud of all the children who come here and all that they achieve during their ‘journey’ through our school. The school has high expectations of behaviour and achievement and we encourage all learning, both academic and personal learning that takes place in and outside of school. Our children are taught to be well-mannered and respectful as well as to think for themselves and question their learning. All of these qualities are built on in the day to day teaching of our exciting curriculum and in a way of working we use called, P4C (Philosophy for Children).
Each year group are Ambassadors for our Christian values and will be exploring their identified value throughout the year.
Early Years: Friendship
Y1: Generosity
Y2: Courage
Y3: Thankfulness
Y4: Forgiveness
Y5: Trust
Y6: Justice
If you would like to know any more about the school please don’t hesitate to contact us and we would be happy to help in any way we can!