At Sherrier we pride ourselves on the smart and presentable manner in which we all look both in school and when representing the school. Please allow us to remind all of our parents of the expected school uniform that each child should wear.
Sherrier uniform is as follows: black/grey skirt, shorts or trousers, sensible black shoes, dark green sweatshirt or cardigan and white polo shirt or shirt. (Please no bright coloured trainers or logos)
Sherrier uniform and accessories can be bought through our supplier Mapac (follow the link at the top of the page).
Sherrier P.E. kit is as follows: Black shorts / jogging bottoms (for winter use), white socks, trainers (for outside), plimsolls (for inside) and a plain white t-shirt. (No logos please.) All earrings must be removed for P.E or covered with micropore tape. (School does not provide this) There is space for PE kits to stay in school so please ensure your child has their P.E. kit on the appropriate day. The office will not phone home for if children have forgotten their kit as items will be loaned from the spares box we have at school.
For hygiene reasons children must change from clothes they have come to school in into the appropriate P.E. kit mentioned. All the above can be bought cheaply locally – Asda or Tesco for example.
PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU PUT NAMES INSIDE ALL ITEMS OF CLOTHING, including P.E. kit & coats. Lost property is located by the main reception. All un-named items will be recycled regularly.
School Will…
Keep uniform as cheap and easy to buy as possible
Support families who are eligible for additional funding
Return any named clothing
Parents/Carers will…
Buy and send children in appropriate uniform, shoes and PE kit
Name all belongings
Online Supplier
We are now working with Mapac as our school uniform provider. You order and pay through the website (link at the top of the page). Delivery can be made to your home (or work) address or you can arrange for it to be delivered to school. School deliveries will take place approximately once a fortnight so if you miss the deadline for one of these you may need to wait up to three weeks for it to arrive. Please note that there are no deliveries to school during any of our school holidays.
If there are any issues or queries with the uniform ordering process or problems with items that are received, they should be directed to Mapac - you can email them at parentcustomerservices@mapac.net or call them on 01923 255525.