Be Creative
We enjoy working together to teach our children to create new and exciting solutions to make our world a better place. We believe we can make a difference no matter how large or small.
Our School is a place where we can experiment and take risks in order that we might better ourselves, our learning and the world we live in.
Children at Sherrier are taught to think creatively and we encourage looking at things from different viewpoints.
This flows from our Christian character. The Bible begins with a Creator God. He brings order to the world and fills it with life. He makes human beings to be like Him, “in His image”, and gives them the task of developing this world He has made, reflecting His creativity. This includes many things people do: exploring the world, developing technology, building community, expressing beauty and truth in the arts and caring for the environment. In all these things and more we seek to nurture the creativity of the children in our school.
Be Community Spirited
By attending our School, we welcome you as part of the Sherrier Family, a school community that cares for each other and celebrates our differences, achievements and contributions.
We support each other through challenges and difficulties in acts of friendship, kindness and compassion.
Our aim is that all children and families have a sense of belonging and feel they are treated fairly and with respect.
Sherrier plays a central role in the local community and is continuing to build links and partnerships with local churches, businesses and charitable organisations.
We aim to allow children to see themselves in the wider world community and hope they will make positive changes in global issues.
This flows from our Christian character. The Bible is clear that humans do not flourish on their own, isolated from others. God does not create people to be alone but in community. The Bible also tells how that original united human community was broken and also of God’s plan to mend what was ruined. When He does, He does not just pluck individuals out of the mess, instead He creates a new human community. The Christian picture of abundant life is deeply rooted in community.
We both pursue a strong school community and root ourselves deeply in our local community with its interlocking parts. We support one another, champion one another’s achievements and care for one another’s well-being. We seek to foster a vision of what it means to be human that is not limited to individual academic achievement. It also includes participation in and contribution to a wider community, enabling the children to grow into being part of our local community.
Be Compassionate
This centres around care for ourselves, care for others and care for the world. However, we would like children to understand how to take action to support others in any way they can.
Care for ourselves: This is connected not only to health and hygiene but to care for our own mental health and wellbeing. In an ever-changing technological world, we will focus on teaching children to stay safe online as well as how they can keep themselves road and water-safe and have an awareness of their own personal safety.
Care for others: We are proud of the relationships that develop between the children and staff at Sherrier. We always go the ‘extra mile’ for our families and provide personalised pastoral care for children and adults alike. Our families are always generous when giving to chosen charities and children are always keen to help others in many other ways.
Care for the World: An integral part of the curriculum is to support children to be articulate and effective problem-solvers. We are raising awareness of current global issues and what action we must take to care for the world and the people in it.
This flows from our Christian character. The Bible tells of what has gone wrong with the good world God has made. But it also tells how in His great compassion He planned to put things right. Despite the way people turned away from Him, He did not give up. His love drove Him to act to reconcile people to Himself and to heal a broken world. So great is His compassion that He went to the furthest possible lengths imaginable: God the Son becomes human to die for us, so we might be forgiven and this world made whole.
We hope to reflect this kind of heart of compassion in the life of our school. It is a compassion that cares for the suffering and that draws in the outsider. It is a generous compassion that goes the extra mile for others. It is a compassion that even reaches out to those who have done wrong, seeking reconciliation and restoration.
We believe in:
Developing outstanding character and attitudes to learning in preparation for future challenges in a changing world.
Promoting physical and mental health in a happy caring environment that is supportive and encouraging.
Making a difference to the world we live in through encouraging our pupils to be innovative and enterprising to help find solutions to local and global issues.
Developing social skills and an appreciation of each person’s unique strengths, respecting and embracing different cultures, races and religions.
Fostering a deep sense of care and nurture for the world we live in and the people around us.
Creating a broad range of inspiring experiences that allows children to develop skills and find their place in the world.
Working in partnership with our School community and beyond to build brighter futures.
High expectations alongside a culture of self-awareness, reflection and self-improvement.